Happy Tummy - Children's formula


*Because infants and children are still maturing, their organs are considered weak according to Chinese medicine. Since the functioning is still developing, the organ systems are considered to be inefficient for the time being. Food stagnation or improper digestion is a common pattern in children that eat food they can't digest— cold foods, greasy foods, dairy, and raw foods, especially.

*Happy Tummy is a tincture made specifically for children from the ages of 1-15 years old to support digestion and promote a healthy Spleen. It is great for lifting their appetite or soothing the Stomach.

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Wild crafted hawthorn berries, organic glycerine, organic cane alcohol

Take 5 drops orally or in 1 oz. of water twice daily, after meals


Expiration date: 1 year; refrigerate after opening

If you are taking other prescribed medications, be sure to separate the sequence by one hour.  Take this one hour before or one hour after other medications.

Consult your health care professional before using any supplements or herbal formulas particularly if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or are breastfeeding.

Vegan, soy free, free of pesticides, free of chemical residues, non GMO.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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