Headache Relief 2


*Headache Relief 2: Qi deficiency

*Headache pattern: lingering and dull pain in the head that triggered or aggravated by fatigue or physical activities, may not happen often. Those who are overworked or exhausted tend to develop this type of headache along with those with weakened Spleen/Stomach and digestion.

*Accompanied symptoms: sallow complexion, fatigue, no appetite, sensitivity to cold, loose bowels, easily perspire.

*This formula strengthens and raises the Qi and improves visual and aural acuity. It can also treat tinnitus, dizziness, forgetfulness, vertigo, colitis, ulcerative colitis and cataracts.

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Take 5 drops twice daily, work up to ½ dropper twice daily. If you're experiencing an episode, take three times a day.

For those not wanting to consume alcohol, it can be poured into ½ oz hot liquid like tea or hot water for 5 minutes to evaporate the alcohol before consuming.


Contraindications: avoid exposure to smoke and fire and refrain from eating sour, cold, raw, oily or greasy foods while taking this formula.

Wildcrafted herbs that carry out the actions

—Huang Qi: tonifies Qi and Blood, strengthens the Spleen and raises the Yang Qi of the Spleen and Stomach.
—Ren Shen: tonifies Spleen and Stomach Qi.
—Gan Cao: tonifies the Spleen and augments Qi.
—Sheng Ma: raises Yang and lifts Sunken Qi.
—Ge Gen: raises Spleen Yang and stops diarrhea.
—Man Jing Zi: disperses Wind, clears Heat and clears and benefits head and eyes.
—Bai Shao: nourishes Blood and astringes Yin.
—Hiu Chao Huang Bi: cools Upper Jiao Blood Heat, invigorates the Blood and disperses Stasis.

—Organic cane alcohol.

Expiration date: 6 years

If you are taking other prescribed medications, be sure to separate the sequence by one hour.  Take this one hour before or one hour after other medications.

Consult your health care professional before using any supplements or herbal formulas particularly if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or are breastfeeding.

Vegan, soy free, free of pesticides, free of chemical residues, non GMO.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




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