Headache Relief 3


*Headache Relief 3: Excess dampness

*Headache pattern: heavy feeling in the head, low appetite, nausea, dizziness, vertigo, sinus congestion, abdominal distention, fatigue, greasy thick tongue coating. This type of headache or migraine may be recurrent.

*Treats: tension headache, migraine, hiccups, numbness, edema, sore throat, food allergy, ear pain, asthma. Dispels wind, phlegm, dampness and supports harmony in the body's balance.

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Take 5 drops twice daily, work up to ½ dropper twice daily. If you're experiencing an episode, take three times a day.

For those not wanting to consume alcohol, place drops on a teaspoon or into 1⁄2 oz warm liquid (tea or water) for 5-10 min to evaporate the alcohol before consuming.



  • strengthens the Spleen

  • dispels dampness

  • transforms phlegm

  • soothes the Liver

  • extinguishes wind

This headache or migraine pattern is wind-phlegm invading upward that presents with a sensation of loss of balance, nausea. The feeling of spinning is indicative of wind generated from the Liver. As a physical wind can shake a tree, wind in the body can cause spinning and imbalance. Nausea is indicative of phlegm and dampness. When dampness accumulates, it produces phlegm.


—Zhi Ban Xia: transforms phlegm, dries Dampness, descends rebellious Qi and treats nausea and vomiting.
—Tian Ma: extinguishes Wind, subdues Rising Liver Yang, alleviates pain, disperses wind-damp and effectively treats headache, dizziness and vertigo.
—Bai Zhu: strengthens the Spleen, dries dampness and reinforces Ban Xia and Tian Ma in treating phlegm.
—Ju Hong: regulates Qi and transforms phlegm
—Fu Ling: leaches out dampness, strengthens the Spleen and assists in transforming phlegm.
—Gan Cao: tonifies the Spleen and augments Qi, resolves phlegm, and moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.
—Shen Jiang: warms the middle, stops vomiting, warms the Lungs, stops cough and reduces the toxicity of other herbs.
—Da Zao: tonifies the Spleen and Stomach and augments Qi and moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.

—Organic cane alcohol.




Headache Relief 5
Honeysuckle Extract
Glucose RE-Duce
Astragalus Extract