Weight Rescue


*Reduce stagnated fat and cholesterol in Blood, remove excess bodily fluids and dampness, reduce Blood sugar and maintain proper Blood pressure with Weight Rescue formula. The combination of herbs excel in draining out excess in the body. They tonify the Spleen to remove dampness; moisten the intestines to increase bowel movements; benefit Qi and dissolve stagnation; warming Kidney to assist in fat loss and activate Blood to dissolve stagnation.

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Directions:Take on an empty Stomach between breakfast and lunch and then lunch and dinner. Drink 1 cups of warm water or Ginger Power tea afterwards.

Eat regular meals, don’t skip meals, especially breakfast. Focus on real, whole foods and avoid processed foods, refined grains and sugars.

Day 1: 5 drops 2x a day, followed by 1 cup warm water

Day 2: 1 dropper 2x a day, followed by 1 cup warm water

Day 3 and on: 1 dropper 2-3x a day, followed by 1 cup warm water. See how you feel if you add another dropper, you can stick with 2, or some days take 2, same days take 3.



Ze Xie: in classical Chinese medical texts, it was stated that using this herb will make you "light as a feather" which is due to its powerful draining capabilities. This herb enters the Kidney and Bladder meridians, removing excess fluids. It also pushes out dampness and damp-heat where alot of toxins tend to hide.

Huang Qi: also known as astragalus is one of the most powerful overall herbs. It tonifies Qi and stabilizes the exterior; promotes urination and draws out toxicity; expels pus and reinforces Qi (our vital energy).

Zi Cang Zhu: is an herb that is able to transform dampness, especially the type that blocks transformative and transportive functions of the Spleen.

Yin Yang Huo: also known as horny goat weed is categorized as a Yang tonic that tonifies the Kidneys; dispels wind-cold-dampness and warms and unblocks the flow of Yang Qi.

Yi Ren: also known as Job's tear is one of the best herbs to resolve dampness an strengthen the digestion. This herb itself treats eczema, rosacea, acne, edema, puffiness and excess weight which are all byproducts of dampness and weak Stomach function.

Dong Gua Pi: also known as winter melon skin is an herb that also drains dampness. It also clears heat (toxins), expels phlegm, expels pus and moistens the Lungs

Dong Gua Ren: clears Lung and intestinal heat, expels phlegm, discharges pus thats thick, sticky, yellow phlegm, damp-heat with phlegm obstruction; clears heat, drains dampness.

He Ye: also known as lotus leaf. This herb clears heat and toxicity; drains dampness; removes water out of the body; raises and clears Spleen Yang.

Cao Jue Ming: clears the Liver; moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels; reduces Blood pressure and serum cholesterol with issues like high Blood pressure and cholesterol.

Dan Shen: is an herb that invigorates the Blood and dispels Blood stasis. This allows proper circulation and energy to move through the body, strengthening it and removing toxicity.

Ban Xia: dries dampness annd resolves phlegm which helps conditions where the Spleen can not properly transform damp and phlegm, it then accumulates in the Lungs. It also harmonizes the Stomach and helps conditions that arise from deficiency or heat in the Stomach.

Shan Zha: also known as hawthorn berry is an herb that relieves food stagnation; reduces fat and grease in the intestines; treats hypertension; transforms Blood Stasis and invigorates Blood circulation.

Zhi Ke: is an herb that regulates Qi— our vital life force energy. Also known as bitter orange, it promotes the movement of Qi, reduces distention and pressure and resolves accumulation and removes stagnated food.

Organic Cane ethanol

Expiration date: 6 years

If you are taking other prescribed medications, be sure to separate the sequence by one hour.  Take this one hour before or one hour after other medications.

Consult your health care professional before using any supplements or herbal formulas particularly if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or are breastfeeding.

Vegan, soy free, free of pesticides, free of chemical residues, non GMO.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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