Sinus Relief


*In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), sinus discomfort is due to the weakness of Lung Qi reducing protection of the respiratory tract from foreign substances like bacteria and viruses. Sinus Relief tincture is an ancient formula that combines multiple Chinese herbs to help disperse wind and expel toxins in order to soothe inflammation, work to dissolve nasal mucus, clear discharge and open the nasal passages.

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Wumei, Xin Yi Hua, Cang Er Zi, Chuan Xiong, Licorice root, Jujube, Chrysanthemum, Ginger Power, and Organic cane alcohol. Made with non GMO, wild crafted herbs and organic alcohol. No sugar or preservatives added.

Take 3 drops - ½ dropper orally or in ½-1oz of warm water 40 min after meal, or in between meals, once or twice daily.

For children, pregnant women, and those not wanting to consume alcohol, place drops on a teaspoon or into ½ oz warm liquid (tea or water) for 5-10 min to evaporate the alcohol before consuming.

Children use 1/4 to 1/3 of the adult dose

Avoid cold foods and drinks and make sure you have at least one bowel movement daily.


The formula works through dispersing wind and expelling toxins to relieve inflammation, dissolves nasal mucus, clears discharge, clear nasal drips, and opens the nasal passages.

Sinus Relief helps treat the following symptoms:

Asthma attacks
Blocked nasal passages
Common cold
Nasal inflammation
Nasal drip

Expiration date: 6 years

If you are taking other prescribed medications, be sure to separate the sequence by one hour.  Take this one hour before or one hour after other medications.

Consult your health care professional before using any supplements or herbal formulas particularly if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or are breastfeeding.

Vegan, soy free, free of pesticides, free of chemical residues, non GMO.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




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