Colon-tox +


*Colon-tox + warms and harmonizes the internal organs, especially the Stomach, Spleen and Intestines. It replenishes Qi and promotes Blood circulation, drains Liver, removes toxic heat from the gut, dispels parasites and relieves pain.

In addition to controlling parasites, this formula fights all "Jue Yin" diseases, which means Liver. This is for the symptoms and disharmonies which pass along the Liver channel. It can include hypertension, coughing, itchy skin, vomiting, Stomach pain and any mouth sore.

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Wild Crafted Wu Mei, Ginger Power, Huang Bai, Gui Zhi, Ren Shen, Zhi Fu Zi, Dang Gui, Huang Lian, Chuan Jiao, Xi Xin, Organic Cane Alcohol.

This tincture works best taken over two 5 day periods each month when parasites are the most active. Each 5 day period will overlap with the Full Moon and then New Moon. Each month contains one Full Moon and one New Moon, you can google which days specifically it falls on for each month. It doesn’t matter whether you begin on the Full or New Moon.

Full Moon: start 4 days before the Full Moon and take for a total of 5 days

New Moon: start the day of the New Moon and take for 5 days.

Begin with 3 drops, work up to 5 drops and then to ½ dropper. Take before bed.

For those not wanting to consume alcohol, place drops on a teaspoon or into ½ oz warm liquid (tea or water) for 5-10 min to evaporate the alcohol before consuming.

For children or if you’re nursing use 2-3 drops for 3 days a week, evaporating the alcohol before use.

View the Moon Schedule.


Symptoms treated:

Ascariasis, Roundworms in the bile duct, Hookworms, Malaria, Schistosomiasis, Abdominal pain, Colitis, Ulcerative colitis, Gastritis, Chronic gastroenteritis, Chronic diarrhea, Indigestion, Gastric or peptic ulcer, Irritable bowel syndromes, Gallstones Corneal ulcers, Keratitis, Glaucoma, Meniere's disease, Canker sores, Vitiligo, TMJ Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, Primary dysmenorrhea, Neurogenic headache, Autonomic dystonia, Hysterical psychosis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Endometriosis, Uterine fibroids, Morning sickness, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, Diabetes, Hypertension, Edema, Asthma, Anorexia, Headache, Jaundice, Fever, Nausea/Vomiting, Insomnia


  • Wu Mei: stabilizes and binds, helps against roundworm, intestinal parasites, stops diarrhea. It fights the production of several types of bacteria and boosts the immune system.

  • Ginger Power: Prevents Yang energy from escaping. Specifically protects the body during detox.

  • Huang Bai: clears heat and dries dampness, purges fire and removes toxicity.

  • Gui Zhi: warming while promoting active movement in all channels and blood vessels to remove stagnation.

  • Ren Shen: calms the spirit, clears the mind, tonifies the Lungs, strengthens and tonifies the Spleen and Stomach. Used for Spleen Qi Deficiency with fatigue, poor appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, generalized weakness, low or soft voice, abdominal distention.

  • Zhi Fu Zi: restores Yang, reinforces fire, dispels cold to alleviate pain.
    Dang Gui: regulates menstruation from Qi and Blood stagnation issues, stops pain and lubricates intestines, detoxes and creates healthy bowels, tonifies Blood for Heart and Liver Blood deficiency.

  • Huang Lian: clears heat, drains dampness and fire, relieves toxicity.

  • Chuan Jiao: warms the middle Jiao, disperses cold, dispels dampness, relieves diarrhea and alleviates pain, kills parasites and alleviates abdominal pain.

  • Xi Xin: dispels cold and wind to alleviate pain, warms lung and relieves cough.


  • Contraindicated for those with explosive diarrhea and damp-heat dysentery. Use with caution during pregnancy.

Expiration date: 6 years

If you are taking other prescribed medications, be sure to separate the sequence by one hour.  Take this one hour before or one hour after other medications.

Consult your health care professional before using any supplements or herbal formulas particularly if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or are breastfeeding.

Vegan, soy free, free of pesticides, free of chemical residues, non GMO.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




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